What's going on with 221B Con 2021?

Hello Bees!

We haven't forgotten about you and we promise things are happening behind the scenes. Sometime in the next few weeks we should have some new information about what 2021 is going to look like. Will we be meeting in person? Will we be going virtual? Will we get to feel the warm arms of hugging bees (with consent of course) this year? Will the fúdtruck come to my house and deliver me those delicious tacos? Well, maybe not the last one (I should probably get some breakfast).

In the meantime, be thinking about what you'd like to talk about this year. If you don't see it on the list of what we were going to offer in 2020, then feel free to email or fill out the form on the site and let us know.

Please continue to be safe out there. We miss you!


221B Con 2021, 2022, an a general update


221B Con 2020 Cancelled